Kappa Kappa Gamma
President's Message
My name is Sasha Heinemann, and I am the President of Kappa Kappa Gamma at University of California, Santa Barbara. As I write that sentence, I am filled with pride for the fact that I have the honor of presiding over an organization that has impacted so many aspects of my life. When first told to write this letter, I felt overwhelmed by the task, because it seems impossible to put into words just how much my membership in this organization has made me the person I am today.
Kappa is more than friendship - it’s belonging to a community that extends beyond the walls of the chapter house. It’s more than just waving as you pass by each other:
Recognize a Kappa sitting at the library? They’ll eagerly help find an extra chair and invite you to join them.
Cross paths with a Kappa on your way to class? They’ll walk with you even if it’s in the opposite direction of where they were headed, because catching up with a friend is worth a few extra steps.
See a Kappa ahead of you in line to pick up coffee? They won’t hesitate to leave their spot and come meet you at the back of the line so that you can wait together.
Kappa embodies the true essence of inclusivity and warmth, creating a space where everyone feels embraced and valued. Right from the start, you can tell that you’ve entered an atmosphere that is genuinely excited to make new connections.
Kappa’s national philanthropy is mental health awareness, and our chapter chose to support National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA). All Kappa chapters share the same overall philanthropic cause, but our chapter decided to take on an additional philanthropy inspired by our very own Robin Babini, a member of Kappa at UCSB before she passed in 2006 from ovarian cancer. Her legacy lives on in our chapter as we raise funds for the Ovarian Cancer Circle.
In order to fundraise for both the Ovarian Cancer Circle and National Eating Disorders Association, we hold one of our favorite annual events: Kappa Kapture the Flag. Members from all over campus come to play in this tournament, including members of Panhellenic, IFC, USFC, sports teams, and other clubs, with our chapter members acting as their coaches, referees, and cheerleaders. The joy radiating from this event comes not only from the fun of the game, but from knowing that the proceeds raised will help make a true difference toward these organizations that we care for so deeply.
My experience in Kappa has been everything I hoped for, and more. Membership in Kappa transcends your four years of undergrad, creating a network of unconditional support, mentorship, career guidance, and lifelong connections. I hope to meet you during COB recruitment this spring to personally introduce you to Kappa and let you witness firsthand what makes our sisterhood so special.
Sasha Heinemann
Epsilon Psi
Chapter Information
Philanthropy: National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) and The Ovarian Cancer Circle
House Capacity: 41
New Member Fees (Fall/Winter/Spring): $1310/$994/$977
Live In Member Dues (Fall/Winter/Spring): $4592/$4344/$4327
Live Out Member Dues (Fall/Winter/Spring): $1110/$862/$845
New Member Costs Include: $175 New Member Fee, FALL ONLY; $132 House Corporation Fee, each quarter; $291 House Board: Transient Board; $286 House Board: House Fee; $77 House Board: Maintenance Fee; $349 in Fall, $208 in Winter, $191 in Spring Chapter Dues
Live In Member Costs Include: $2,629 House Board: Room Rent; $1,430 House Board: Regular Board; $77 House Board: Maintenance Fee; $349 in Fall, $208 in Winter, $191 in Spring Chapter Dues
Live Out Member Costs Include: $291 House Board: Transient Board; $286 House Board: House Fee; $77 House Board: Maintenance Fee; $349 in Fall, $208 in Winter, $191 in Spring Chapter Dues
Payment Methods: Billhighway: Members pay their dues through Billhighway. BillHighway accepts credit/debit card, as well as echeck/check. For live in members and members on a payment plan, their quarterly bill will be split into three installments, due monthly. All other members will be billed once a quarter. *Note: A Per Capita Fee ($107) will be billed to all members in the FALL ONLY
Payment Plans: Monthly installments