Informal Recruitment
How it Works
Primary Recruitment occurs annually during the beginning of fall quarter, and is the primary recruitment process for the UCSB Panhellenic Council. However, Panhellenic chapters have informal recruitment opportunities, referred to as Continuous Open Bidding, or "COB". Recruitment events are organized and coordinated by each chapter individually for the purpose of membership intake. Chapters may only participate in informal recruitment if their numbers fall below the median chapter size on campus, which is reset during fall and spring quarter. Chapters are not required to participate in informal recruitment. Chapters typically hold a few events at the beginning of the quarter to meet potential new members if they are eligible to conduct COB.
Students interested in sorority membership following the conclusion of Fall Formal Recruitment should complete the COB Interest Form. This list of potential new members interested will be shared to all chapters eligible to conduct COB for that quarter.
Please note: The COB Interest Form is cleared out after each quarter, so potential new members would need to re-register each quarter. Additionally, filling out the interest form does not guarantee a chapter conducting COB will contact a potential new member, nor does it guarantee they will receive a bid.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible for COB?
How does COB work?
All non-male identified students are eligible to participate in COB, provided (1) they are a regularly matriculated undergraduate student and enrolled at UC Santa Barbara, (2) they have never been initiated into a National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) sorority at UCSB or on another campus, and (3) they have not received a bid during the most recent Fall Formal Recruitment process.
When a sorority conducts COB, they contact a potential new member on their own and hold one or more informal events to get to know her better. Each chapter performs the process differently, so the Collegiate Panhellenic Council does not set dates for informal recruitment events.
Please note: Just because a chapter is eligible for COB does not necessarily mean they will participate.
What do I need to do to be considered for COB?
Students who want to be considered for COB should complete the online COB Interest Form. This list of potential new members will be shared to all chapters eligible to conduct COB that quarter.