Delta Gamma
President's Message
Welcome all!
I am grateful that you have found your way to the Gamma Kappa chapter of Delta Gamma at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Welcome to the Panhellenic website, where you can discover the incredible sisterhoods that have been formed by inspiring women. Take the time to explore and get to know these extraordinary individuals. It’s my hope that through the website and our various social media platforms, we can share our membership, philanthropy, recruitment process, and cherished friendships with you.
Our chapter is full of driven, kind-hearted, authentic women who dedicate themselves to giving back to our community. Being a part of this chapter has far exceeded anything I could have hoped for. From the moment I joined this chapter I have been overwhelmed with the strong sense of community united through shared values and an overall purpose to uplift and empower one another to be the best and truest versions of ourselves. Through our diverse interests and overarching commitment to philanthropy, our chapter embodies the spirit of sisterhood and service.
Through Delta Gamma, I have met my absolute best friends and I could not be more grateful for the immense support I have felt each year, month, week and even day in Delta Gamma. I am constantly in awe and inspired by those around me. I have seen the growth in myself, and I now, as a junior and president of our chapter, I have been able to witness the same for each one of our members. This extends beyond our collegiate days.
Delta Gamma membership is not merely a fleeting connection; it's a deep-seated bond, a shared set of morals, and an unwavering commitment to high standards. Delta Gamma embodies the essence of lifelong friendship and sisterhood.
As we frequently express, the essence of our sisterhood lies in our capacity to embrace one another authentically and inspire each other to discover our truest selves within the principles of Delta Gamma. The profound significance of this statement resonates deeply with me.
I want to deeply thank each and every one of our members for helping foster our immense love for our philanthropy, our deep-rooted sense of sisterhood, and for not only living by our motto to “Do Good”, but to be great enough to always do better. I am continually impressed by the professional, creative mediums our women employ to create a lasting impact on the community. Our chapter– filled with a remarkable group of activists, environmentalists, athletes, leaders, and artists who share an enthusiasm to contribute their passions and experiences to a greater good. Thank you to the panhellenic community for helping in fostering such an amazing sense of sisterhood within and between our chapters.
I could not be more thankful for the friendships, opportunities, sisterhood and growth I have experienced since joining Delta Gamma. I continuously am inspired by the amazing women around me. It is hard to put into words just how much Delta Gamma means to me, but I hope this message was able to convey how deeply I love and appreciate Delta Gamma. Thank you so much for taking the time to read about this incredible chapter of mine.
As the 2024 Chapter president I am so honored to be a part of such an amazing group of women. I hope to make you all as proud as I continually am. Being a part of such an incredible group of women has been such an honor and I am so proud to help lead this chapter alongside my amazing Chapter Management Team.
With love and ITB,
Ava Sutherland
Chapter President
University of California, Santa Barbara

Chapter Information
Philanthropy: Service for Sight
House Capacity: 42
New Member Fees (Fall/Winter/Spring): $1,323/$846/$846
Live In Member Dues (Fall/Winter/Spring): $3,521/$3,364/$3,364
Live Out Member Dues (Fall/Winter/Spring): $993/$846/$846
New Member Costs Include: New member and invitation fee, per capita dues, live out rent and board, Greekbill and tech fees, NPC fee, Panhellenic dues, chapter obligation, payroll, social activities, 2 meals per week
Live In Member Costs Include: Per capita dues, live in rent and board, Greekbill and tech fees, NPC fee, Panhellenic dues, chapter obligation, payroll, social activities, 14 meals per week
Live Out Member Costs Include: Per capita dues, live out rent and board, Greekbill and tech fees, NPC fee, Panhellenic dues, chapter obligation, payroll, social activities, 2 meals per week
Payment Methods: Members pay using an online platform, Greekbill, which accepts all payment methods.
Payment Plans: Annual, quarterly, or monthly
Learn More!
Website: ucsb.deltagamma.org
Instagram: @deltagammaucsb
Facebook: UCSB Delta Gamma