Alpha Delta Pi
President's Message
Hi Everyone!
My name is Jasmine Belflower, and I am the current Chapter President of the Gamma Xi Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi here at UC Santa Barbara. I am incredibly honored and excited to introduce you to the organization that has truly transformed my college experience… one that is filled with remarkable women who embody strength, compassion, and sisterhood. I hope that through my words, you can feel the love and support we have not only within our chapter but also in the broader Panhellenic community.
To be completely honest, I had never envisioned myself being part of Greek life. As a first-generation college student and coming from a very small farming town in Northern California, it was a world I knew little about. Being in a sorority was something that I had only ever seen in movies or TV shows and signing up for rush was equally nerve-wracking and exciting . But when I committed to UCSB, I made a challenge to myself to explore all the opportunities available, and I knew that this would be one of them! What I wish I knew then, was that my spur of the moment decision to try out formal recruitment, unexpectedly pushed me into one of the best decisions of my life. When I read the message from Alpha Delta Pi and spoke to the amazing women within, I knew in my heart that this was the chapter for me. I had found my home away from home.
Through Alpha Delta Pi, I discovered women who shared my values and aspirations. While every member of our chapter holds our organizational values close—those being Scholarship, Leadership, Service to Others, and Sisterhood—we also cherish common values such as integrity, empathy, resilience, loyalty, and personal growth. These values empower our sisterhood every single day and have woven us into a close-knit community that explains the why behind all of our actions.
From the very beginning, Alpha Delta Pi encouraged me to become the best version of myself. I was motivated to run for leadership positions early in my membership, which gave me a confidence I never knew I had. Once I took on these roles, my desire to contribute and make a difference only grew stronger. I’ve been given numerous opportunities to travel across the nation and meet other Adpi women (including our International president!!) and have been given even more to meet every member of my own chapter. The women in this chapter embody our motto of “We Live for Each Other” in everything they do, both within the organization and in their daily lives. They are some of the most involved and dedicated individuals I have ever met. Whether through our philanthropy work, student government, community service, athletics, the arts, or academic research, they always give their all. And no matter their endeavors, the sisters of Alpha Delta Pi are there, cheering each other on with unwavering support. Our chapter prides itself on putting our members first, and supporting our individual accomplishments! We offer over 30 leadership officer roles and countless philanthropic opportunities that foster a culture of motivation and push our members outside of the box to pursue their goals; both academically and professionally!
Our newest implementation of study buddies, academic major groupings and our “We are Wellness” program ensure that the wellbeing of our members is accounted for and everyone has a shoulder to lean on whenever they may need. In a chapter of nearly 200 members, I have never once felt alone. I’ve never been afraid to express emotion nor have I been scared to walk up to a sister on campus. Instead, I have felt empowered and celebrated in every endeavor I pursue. Alpha Delta Pi has created a space where I can be my true, authentic self, and because of that, I have never been prouder of who I am.
The national philanthropy of Alpha Delta Pi, is Ronald McDonald House Charities; an organization that helps families in their most trying times by providing housing and food close to hospitals. It gives them their own home away from home and cultivates bringing families closer. Our members hold RMHC in the highest regards and may even hold personal connections with their own experiences. Every quarter, we host a variety of events to raise money for RMHC including: restaurant fundraisers, “Pie an ADPi”, bake sales, 5k’s , and our biggest event, “The Diamond Series” (the best wiffle ball tournament in town), that gains support from all of our greek siblings across various councils. At Gamma Xi, we also have the amazing opportunity to be near the family room at RMHC, Ventura! Our chapter strives to take quarterly trips to this location and help out with providing comfort, support, and community service to those families in need! Our connection to our philanthropy only continues to grow and grow.
Every day, I am inspired by the dedication, strength, and vulnerability of these women. Their ability to motivate and uplift everyone around them is what inspired me to run for this position and those prior. They are the reason I am proud to represent this chapter both locally and nationally. And they are the reason that I have found my best friends for life. Alpha Delta Pi has given me the college experience I didn’t know I could have, and I know that even years from now, I will still have this incredible community by my side. I am forever grateful to be a part of this beautiful organization and even more grateful to call these women my sisters. I would not be the woman I am today without the influential people I have met in Alpha Delta Pi and the greater Panhellenic community. I am confident that by embarking on this journey and giving it a chance, you will find yourself surrounded by people who will push you to be the best version of yourself.
Alpha Delta Pi, thank you for everything you have done for me. For making me the role model and big sister of so many is something that can never be topped. I am eagerly looking forward to what the future holds for you all!
With Love and Loyalty,
Jasmine Belflower
Alpha Delta Pi
Gamma Xi Chapter President

Chapter Information
Philanthropy: Ronald McDonald House Charity
House Capacity: 46
New Member Fees (Fall/Winter/Spring): $1684/$951/$951
Live In Member Dues (Fall/Winter/Spring): $5700/$5396/$5396
Live Out Member Dues (Fall/Winter/Spring): $1074/$951/$951
New Member Costs Include: ADPi pin, new member events and gifts, weekly sisterhoods, date party, philanthropy events, one chapter meal each week, full access to ADPi facilities
Live In Member Costs Include: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner Monday through Friday, in-houser gift, weekly sisterhoods, date party, philanthropy events, composite, chapter retreat
Live Out Member Costs Include: Weekly sisterhoods, date party, philanthropy events, one chapter meal each week, full access to ADPi facilities, composite, chapter retreat
Payment Methods: OmegaFi - Check, eCheck, credit/debit card
Payment Plans: All at once, monthly, or case by case